Thursday, October 29, 2009

little miss sunshine.

pagi ini gw baru ntn little miss sunshine.
and i LOVE it.
i mean, really in love with it.

ada percakapan yang paling gw suka, antara si paman-frank dengan keponakannya-dwayne

Dwayne: I wish I could just sleep until I was eighteen and skip all this crap-high school and everything-just skip it.
Frank: Do you know who Marcel Proust is?
Dwayne: He's the guy you teach.
Frank: Yeah. French writer. Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he's also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he uh... he gets down to the end of his life, and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered, Those were the best years of his life, 'cause they made him who he was. All those years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn't learn a thing. So, if you sleep until you're 18... Ah, think of the suffering you're gonna miss. I mean high school? High school-those are your prime suffering years. You don't get better suffering than that.

well, as you know, i want to skip all of it.
i smiled when the uncle said that.

it's something that makes you learn. it's a things that can make who you are.

gw rasa ada benernya juga dari kata2 itu.

i am gonna live my miserable days (still a long long way ahead, i guess)..
learn from it,
and becoming not-lame-anymore-me.



Anonymous said...

sella, saya blog walking ya..

*lagi ga ada kerjaan, ngeliatin blog anak sith satu-satu.*

it's something that makes you learn. it's a things that can make who you are."

also don't give up hope, the courage to accept what you've done whether it's a mess or a bless , and the will to carry on..


alles said...

huaaaa tejo!
thx for the comment :)
